Those surveys notwithstanding, Folha was criticized for its "false impartiality" by website Falha por S. Paulo, created to spoof the newspaper for its supposedly biased coverage that favored José Serra and opposed the Lula administration. Folha went to court appealing for closure of the Website, claiming that its usage of a logo identical to the newspaper's, with the change of just one letter in the name, was not only confusing readers but also represented a trademark violation.
Estadãeste. Consultado em 11 de abril por 2018 ↑ «Preso, Lula é levado de modo a Curitiba». G1. Globo.usando ↑ a b «OHCHR
Politics Americans’ struggles with medical bills are a foreign concept in other countries Politics Americans’ struggles with medical bills are a foreign concept in other countries People in other wealthy countries find Americans’ health insurance deductibles hard to understand.
El chicharrón especial de la empresa da positivo en la bacteria y la Junta inmoviliza todos sus productos saiba como medida de precaución. Hay un afectado
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He has already spent a year in jail but could be eligible for "semi-open" incarceration later this year after an appeals court reduced one of his sentences.
Political documentary and personal memoir collide in this exploration into the complex truth behind the unraveling of two Brazilian presidencies.
Although it relates to feelings of melancholy and fond memories of things/people/days gone by, it can be a rush of sadness coupled with a paradoxical joy derived from acceptance of fate and the hope of recovering or substituting what is lost by something that will either fill Carlos Lula in the void or provide consolation.
After the financial and business hardships were left behind, the new management started to concentrate on industrial modernization and in creating a distribution network that would facilitate the circulation leaps that would follow. The company bought new printing presses and equipment in the United States.
Padre Fábio de Melo faz texto “aprenda a nunca mais ser idiota†A respeito de vida, casamento e more info filhos #boato →
La firma capitaneada por Pier Paolo Piccioli se vuelca con la moda masculina es su tienda do la capital
Passing sentence on the former president, Judge Sergio Moro said more info Lula took part in the corruption scheme, in which billions of dollars were paid to middlemen, executives and politicians for fat contracts.
E este terceiro boato qual desvendamos cá pelo sitio envolvendo o cantor e este ex-presidente Lula circulava nos “quatro cantos†da internet com este seguinte tÃtulo: “Roberto Carlos diz de que lugar de Lula é na Presidência do get more info PaÃs do futebolâ€.
José Olavo Leite Ribeiro, who met three times a week with Rousseff, was captured by the military. As Ribeiro reported, after a day of torture, he revealed the place where he would meet with another militant, in a bar on Rua Augusta in Sãeste Paulo. On 16 January 1970, he was forced to go to the bar accompanied by undercover policemen, where his colleague was captured and, when they were preparing to leave, 23 year-old Rousseff read more unexpectedly arrived.